The Benefit of Learning Spanish in its Cultural Context
By Patrick Collins
Spanish is becoming an increasingly valuable commodity. It's the official language of 21 countries worldwide and is widely spoken in places where Spanish is not the official language (such as in the United States, where the group of over 30 million native Spanish speakers continues to grow rapidly). After English, it's the most commonly used language, with over 500 million Spanish-speakers worldwide.
It makes sense then - both from a business and a cultural perspective - to learn this language of growing importance. How you choose to learn it will depend on your level of interest and on the goals you set for yourself. You might be content to purchase a Spanish course pack (complete with CD-ROM's, audio CD's and books) and watch a few subtitled Spanish movies. Perhaps you're more intent on learning Spanish and feel that taking one-on-one classes or studying at a language academy is what you need to reach your desired level of proficiency.
Once you decide to study Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country, the next question arises: where should I go? Again, this will depend on your particular needs. If you know you want to do business in Argentina, for example, that's obviously where you should study. If, on the other hand, you realize the importance of learning the language but don't know specifically how or where you'll be using it, you might want to consider all of the benefits of studying in Spain.
Spain offers a profound culture, excellent quality of life and a modern society with open, friendly people. It's where Spanish was born, and therefore you can immerse yourself in a region that speaks Castillian Spanish. Since over 55 thousand people study Spanish in Spain each year, you can expect to find a large selection of excellent language academies that employ tried-and-tested teaching methods. And because Spaniards are adept at social interaction, it will be easy for you to make friends and learn Spanish in the most enjoyable way possible, benefiting from everything this inviting culture has to offer.
Professional language schools are located throughout the entire country, offering a wide range of choices to suit every need and preference. You can study in a large cosmopolitan city like Madrid or Barcelona, experience the laid-back charm of Andalusia, or opt for the ideal climate and beautiful beaches of the Canary Islands. You can take a two-week intensive class or choose to enroll in a truly immersive 6-month course. No matter your current level of comprehension or the level you wish to attain, options geared to suit your particular needs abound; all you need do is a little research.
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